Thursday 13 August 2009

Hypeband alert: The XX


I've been hearing (reading) a lot about this band The XX recently. I decided to actually check them out. I think with hype bands theres generally a 37% chance I'll like them. 39% if its hyped by Pitchfork. This band are one of the luckier ones.

It took 3 minutes and 8 seconds, or more accurately, the length of their single "Basic Space" for me to make my decision, with their self-conscious undermining of the more mainstream boy sings/girl sings vocal pattern, with minimal instrumental interference, yet a stylish beat. This is RnB on my wavelength.

"Crystalised" further demonstrates how they manage to bridge Indie and mainstream pop so much more subtly than any other band before them. So much so the only comparison that springs to my mind is that of Hot Chip's early output, in the form of the tongue in cheek "Shining Escalade", as far away from this particular incarnation of "indie-soul".

Definitely worth checking out their myspace page for, The XX release their album "X" next Monday through Rough Trade.


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