Sunday 17 May 2009

Dananananaykroyd @ Southampton Joiners, 13th May 2009

First a quick word on the illustrious venue. Currently hailing from Portsmouth, I am supposed to have absolute disdain for all things Southampton, but I can't help but enjoy the Joiners Arms. Its the largely independent spirit behind it, the local band splendour of knowing that for local scenesters, this is almost making it. It's grottiness is close to Godliness. Plus the toilets boast a collection of promo stickers for probably long gone bands with such awful/great names as "Die So Fluid" and "Rushing With Apathy".

So then, an apt setting as a staple stop on the indie circuit, and as such featured a couple of local bands to begin with. The first (and arguably second best band of the night) being instrumental post-rock act WAKING AIDA. While those adjectives may prompt a snore-fest from many of you, they are far more of the 65DaysOfStatic stable than the Godspeed You! Black Emperor extended noise sessions, mixing as they do, looped math-rock stylings into what is meant to be only their fourth gig ever. Definitely worth a listen.


Second on are JAPANESE VOYEURS, whose name is only just good enough to not be forever confined to a venue toilet wall, but with a sound that should be. It's all grunge cliches except with a female singer, which I sincerely hoped wasn't going to be a gimmick, but turned out to be the only vaguely interesting thing about them. What was also a shame is how on their second song, she decided to stroppily proclaim "You're so cool" in a mock Paris Hilton strop that was all too realistic to tell if it was a parody. Really bad.


Next are VIDEO NASTIES, a band I'm only dimly aware having passed on a number of promos sent into to the radio station I work for after admittedly skimming through the tracks. Live they seem to resemble a sub-par Maccabees, albeit less fun and much more serious, apparently believing the tiny Joiners venue to be far below their expectations. Not all that great either.


Finally, DANANANANAYKROYD hit the stage, with all six of them in jovial spirits and chatting with the crowd. Possibly the friendliest band ever. Lead singer Callum not only calling up a fan who couldn't make it but heartily apologising to anyone he jostles with in the crowd during frequent trips into the front (and back) row. Taking a brief intermission to take questions from the audience, it is discovered that this warm up gig for The Great Escape Festival is one of the few they've done on the South Coast at all. More importantly however, their twin-drummed attack of lo-fi melodic noise is an absolute stormer, as good, if not better, live than on their record Hey Everyone!, with "Pink Sabbath" being the highlight in both.


Unfortunately, thanks to the sense of humour of the South Coast rivalry, the last Portsmouth-bound train leaves at 2303, on the opposite side of Southampton, meaning that a sprint through some parks and roads is all that the second half of their set was for me, but very much enjoyable, all the same.

Dananananaykroyd's debut album "Hey Everyone!" is out now in the UK via Best Before Records.

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