Monday 15 December 2008


Oh dear I still haven't properly got this up and running yet, oh well.

Anyway, coming soon there should be by top albums of 2008, and when I have a chance, perhaps a look at some upcoming artists/etc.

Firstly, however, you may have noticed BLUR are back. Which is awesome on so many levels, and comes just months after Damon pretty much said it wasn't going to happen. An act I like to call doing an Oasis. This is because many of the things that Oasis have done (release a greatest hits, work on new material before 2010, play America again) happened just after they said that they would never do that. Oh well.

Incidentally, this seems to have also led to The Smiths and The Stone Roses to confirm/deny/drum up support for a reunion next year also.

So of course, I already have tickets and I can't fucking wait.

And for buying tickets I was given a promotional code for Damon's colloboration with old Gorillaz partner Jamie Hewlett and legendary chinese director Chen Shi-zheng, Monkey: Journey To The West and London's white elephant shaped dome, The o2 Arena.

It was pretty cool, to be honest, although if I had paid full price I would have been a bit peaved, to say the least. For the price we paid, however, it was a brilliant piece of thatre/opera/acrobatics that I would gladly watch again. Plus I'm 99% set on buying the Albarn-written soundtrack, and I would recommend that anyone who can afford the £60 price (or find a similar offer to mine) should go.

Plus it also reignited my suspicions to visit Kong Studios, which despite lack of recent Gorillaz activity, remains the single greatest band website ever.

I'm also pleased to announced that Arcade Eden have been snapped up by a label and will soon be releasing some of their tracks, but more of that later.

Finally, I have massive newfound respect for Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne.

See you soon.

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